The full program, including the schedule and abstracts can be found here
A picture of a representative set of participants is here
Bykov | Flag manifold sigma-models | slides |
Manvelyan | Weyl Invariance and Higher Spin Gauge Theory | slides |
Rudolph | A Doubled Geometry for Quantum Gravity | slides |
Korovins | Holographic reconstruction for flat spaces | Blackboard |
Prohazka | Webs of W-algebras | slides |
Bengtsson | Review of light-front higher spin: Concepts, methods, history and question | slides |
Campoleoni | Gravity and higher spins in three-dimensional flat space | slides |
Adamo | Twistors and higher spin theory | slides |
Grigoriev | Background fields, conformal geometry, and higher spin interactions | slides |
Sundborg | Quantum gravity reviewed from the boundary | slides |
Taronna | No-go results: Old & New | slides |
Boulanger | Partially-massless spin-two twisted duality in (A)dS | slides |
Hohm | Higher gauge structures in field theory | slides |
Fredenhagen | 3d Higher-Spin in Different Gauges | slides |
Raeymaekers | Higher spin theory of tensionless strings on AdS(3) | slides |
Steinacker | Higher spin gauge theory on fuzzy space(-times) from the IKKT matrix model | slides |
McLoughlin | Soft-limits and Asymptotic Symmetries | slides |
Sachs | Loops in AdS(4) | Blackboard+slides |
Bekaert | Conformal higher-spin gravity as Induced higher-spin gravity | slides |
Pimentel | Bootstrapping Primordial Fluctuations | Blackboard |
Zhiboedov | Shocks and Superconvergence | Blackboard |
Joung | Searching for a consistent PM gravity | slides |
Lal | Lower Symmetries and Slightly Quantum Gravity | slides |
Schmidt-May | Classically Consistent Spin-2 Interactions | slides |
Ponomarev | Spinor-helicity formalism for massless fields in AdS | slides |
Schlotterer | Double-copy structures and universality in string tree-level interactions | slides |
Grumiller | Bulk side of higher spin SYK | slides |
Eberhardt | The higher spin square and its emergence from the worldsheet | slides |
Bonezzi | Einstein gravity from worldlines | slides |
Bonifacio | Shift Symmetries in (Anti)-de Sitter Spacetime | slides |
Paul | Loops in AdS(5)*S(5) from CFT | slides |
Lo Monaco | Holographic Duals of 6d RG flows | slides |
Francia | Asymptotic symmetries: from low to high spins | slides |